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Guilt Ride.. In The Metro | 9:52 PM |
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Okay. So I am. A concerned citizen.
Don't Get me wrong.
I really am.
And SOMETIMES, I do go overboard with my 'civic-sense' antics.
And this is precisely what happened in the Delhi Metro the other day.
A few days ago, I had offered my seat to two aunties on for two consecutive days. And it had made me immensely proud. and therefore, also started an urge to bring about a
On my next ride n the Metro, me, and a friend, say N, decided to start with the men shamelessly sitting on 'For Ladies Only' seats.
The methodology was simple.
STEP1: Glare at the shameless man.
STEP2: Glare at the 'For Ladies Only' Sign.
Repeat as required.
If the man is still seated, LOL! Or chat aloud about 'irresponsibility' of the commuters. *By the way, THIS one works. ALWAYS! ;)*
And our first target was this sophisticated-ly suited uncle. Sensible, as he was, he just took two rounds of the vicious glares to get the point. But surprisingly, he got up, to offer us *me and N* the seat. Now THIS, was truly unexpected *and funny, at that point*. So after a round of the customary 'No-Thanks', N finally took the seat. And we completed the journey, choking with *controlled* laughter, with half strings of conversation.
On the very same day, basking in the glory of our 'achievement' as we were, we decided to give the trick another shot. So in the second train, the glare-game started again. And it worked! *yes, the second time!* But this man wasn't the sort to offer his seat. He simply changed his.
Now, The Hard Nut followed. This target *read: the shameless man* wasn't the sort to give in easily. So the 'loud' conversation followed, but of no avail. Then the L-ingOL followed. No avail. Then some REALLY loud talking followed.But this one, was 'One Shameless Guy'. He did get up, after all. When his station arrived.
I *with N forced, this time* decided not to litter the road. Instead throw my ice-cream wrapper in one of the dustbins at the Metro station. To my surprise, the stations had none. Neither Rajiv Chowk. Nor Pragati Maidan.
When I inquired the guards, they advised me to throw it anywhere outside the station. "No one would say a word. We'll see to it", they promised.
Left aghast, I *LOUDLY* told N about the feedback their website would receive later that evening.
Now, all said and done, I was feeling sort of strange. Not proud anymore, mind you. Partly because of N's criticism of our acts. Partly because of Mom's. And partly, because of this ever-indecisive conscience of mine. Yeh.. the same one that sometime ago, made me proud of doing so.
So, the conclusions I drew out of the whole experience were:
1. Men are not to sit on the 'For Ladies Only' seats. That is, IF ONLY, some lady in the compartment is not sitting.
2. Men sitting on the 'For Ladies Only', when no lady in the compartment is standing ain't wrong.
3. If the lady refuses to sit, then too, the man is eligible for the seating.
4. If a standing lady does not herself ask the man to vacate the seat, IT IS NOT ANY THIRD PARTY's *read: MY* business to play The Guardian Spirit.
5. You *or ME!*, at your own free will, can always offer your seat to any lady, or a gent. And be happy in the satisfaction. :) :D
6. Even though I did, give the suggestion on the DMRC website, the Metro stations can't have dustbins. For then, anyone, could throw ANYthing *read: even bombs*. Too much of a security issue, this one.
You know, the above stated is quite common 'sense', but learned the way I did, it feels like an 'experience'. And she lived happily ever after
Till the next post.
Or the next Guilt Ride.
PS: I just recalled, that I have Bored Board Exams. On my head. Almost.
Cause Of Worry, Ms. Dixit? | 5:41 PM |
And So, FINALLY, Shiela Dixit Has Somethind To Worry About.
A group on Facebook, '10,00,000 ppl in support of Delhi C.M. Shiela Dixit' has only 100 members.
Pretty expected, considering the daily torments like contaminated water, potholes, opend garbage dumps, bad roads and uber-slow CWG 2010 among others that Delhiites have to face.
'Dog'ing The Millionaire | 1:10 PM |
The world just doesn't seem to amuse one, does it?
After the typical Bollywood-ishtyle entertainer Slumdog Millionaire drew protests against its name, Nicholas Almeida, a social activist and slum dweller himself, has filed a complaint in a local court against the filmmakers, saying the film's title was 'damaging and discriminating.'
Not only this, he has gone an extra mile to hold a naming ceremony for stray dogs in his slum.
And, adding to the zing, the names are - Danny, Christian, Loveleen, Freida and Dev!
Clever, isn't it?
But what such protesters need to understand is that the name Slumdog Millionaire is metaphoric for an underdog slum dweller.
Till then, Slum it up!